
Relationship Shit

The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Gottman Institute

The 4 predictors of divorce or separation with 93.6% accuracy over thousands of couples over many decades. These are the 4 things to get better at and how in 2 mins.

Gottman Institute

Dr. John Gottman

Research-based approach to navigating relationships. Full talk.

This is not love guru bullshit. This is a career scientist who has studied thousands of couples for decades and has pinpointed the things that predictably lead to either fulfilled relationships or divorce. And he just tells you what they are and how to be amazing at them.

Fight Less, Connect More

Cinema Therapy

First lesson from Therapist Jonathan Decker’s series Fight Less, Connect More. The hour-version covers how to navigate conflict without being avoidant or attacking, how to identify what’s under your anger, & how to communicate real shit with the end goal in mind: having peace and fulfillment with each other. You can join their Patreon to access the full hour & a bunch of other courses.

7 Movie Marriages That Are ACTUALLY Healthy

Cinema Therapy

Therapist Jono and filmmaker Alan (best friends and internet dads) rank and explain what works about them and how you can do it too.


Effective Communication Podcast

Higher State of Being Podcast

featuring Danielle Rachlin

Why are you so mad? Why can’t I shake how pissed off I am? How can you think like that?? Explore some of the neuroscience of communication and social connection to effectively navigate healthy human interactions.

Notice the Knowns Hypnosis

Theadora Sophia, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Remember what your stress center needs to down-regulate? The predictable and familiar. This meditation lets you bring your attention to the knowns when your world is uncertain.

Take a Deep Breath


Take a moment with this easy breathing technique.

Then put it in your back pocket for as one of your tools. Explore box breathing or other techniques as a daily practice or as an in-the-moment tool.

How to Make Stress Your Friend

Kelly McGonigal

Stress is inevitable. Here’s how to make it GOOD for you.

Courage, Vulnerability, Shame

The Biggest Shame Trigger for Men

Brené Brown

And what they’re starting to realize about it.

What Would You Say to All the Men of the World?

Brené Brown

We already know, guys. Lean into the discomfort.

The Power of Vulnerability

Brené Brown

Do you identify as brave? Turns out that’s vulnerability. Don’t like that? Then I’m afraid this is required viewing.

Listening to Shame

Brené Brown

If you liked the first video, here’s the follow-up. With a bit more of a focus on men, an underrepresented demographic for this topic.

Self Exploration

Find a Therapist

Psychology Today

Use the filters to explore therapists that you would enjoy working with one-on-one.

What Should You Do With Your Life?

Mark Manson

Some people know what they want to do with their lives right off the bat. Fuck those people.

Most of us think about this question all wrong. Settle down and think about it like this.

Archetype Cards

Caroline Myss

These are not tarot cards. I highly recommend looking through these and identifying which archetypes are most highly represented in your identity. (My primary ones are Queen, Mother, & Lover. ) Understanding these core aspects of who you are can give you (& others) language to understanding more about your self, identity, choices, & ways of interpreting your world.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck (Summary by Author)

Mark Manson

My favorite book for stepping into yourself. Get the audiobook from your library and listen to it.

An Antidote to Dissatisfaction

Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell

“It feels almost insulting, like things shouldn’t be that simple. But in numerous studies, the participants reported more happiness and a higher general life satisfaction after doing this practice for a few weeks. And even more, studies have found changes in brain activity some months after they end it.”

How to Take Ownership When It Isn’t Your Fault

Jocko Willink

Jocko is a retired US Navy SEAL with a mission to teach everyone the secret to being a good leader, a good team-member, a good partner, the best version of yourself through Extreme Ownership. Listen to the audiobook from the library and watch how approaching your world like this changes everything.

When You Just Ain’t Got It Together

Dry Creek Wrangler School

Some cowboy wisdom.

Optimistic Nihlism

Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell

Are you getting caught in in the meaninglessness of it all? Dude. That’s not depressing. That’s INCREDIBLE! Let this cartoon teach you how fucking amazing that makes your life. I mean it.


Take a Min & Watch This Beautiful Beach Sunset With Me (Unedited)

Danielle Rachlin - Natural Wanders Nonprofit

No dialogue, unedited coloring. Just settle in to this quiet nature moment of rich colors and sounds of waves crashing. Made by Danielle.

I Call It Savor Hiking

Danielle Rachlin - Natural Wanders Nonprofit

Get hypnotized in redwood trees. Made by Danielle.

Vagus Nerve Yoga

Dr. Arielle Schwartz specializes in vagal toning and physical practices for down-regulation and physical and mental relief. She has lots of full classes on her YouTube - here’s a short 15 min option.

African Safari Scenic Relaxation

Scenic Relaxation

Animals will make you feel better. Pick a country or region of the world and get lost there for a while.

100 Hour Fudgy Brownies

Get hypnotized by chocolate.

Sand Cutting

Find yourself something that’s weirdly soothing for you. It seriously does not matter what.


Theadora Sophia, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

15 mins.

Theadora Sophia, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

15 mins.

Joe Pera Talks You Back to Sleep

Joe Pera Talks With You - Adult Swim

Simple comedian relaxes you to sleep. 10 mins.

Truly Boring Fairy Tales

Casper ft. Nothing Much Matters

Nod off to the whimsical wonders of your favorite fairy tales with an unbelievably snooze-worthy twist.


The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck

A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life

Mark Manson

Hyperbole and a Half

Unfortunate Situations, Flawed Coping Mechanisms, Mayhem, and Other Things That Happened

Allie Brosh

Extreme Ownership

How US Navy Seals Lead and Win

Jocko Willink & Leif Babin

Guide to Getting It On!

(If you want to be a good lover, get. this. book.)

Paul Joannides & Daerick Gross

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Stephen Covey

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Sean Covey

Suicidal or Self-Harm Ideation

If you are or think you might be having a crisis, call or text 988 to talk to a trained professional at a suicide crisis center. It is 24/7, free, and confidential.

If you or someone you love is having thoughts of self-harm or suicidal ideology, please call/text 988 for support now and get resources or chat at the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline site.

Risk Factors & Warning Signs

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Safety Plans Work

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