Deciding to grow as a person doesn’t have to be all fuckin woo-woo magical.

These are real tools for real fucking people.

WTF Is This?

Listen, Linda. Some of us regulate stress through relaxation and some of us do it through catharsis.

Some of us don’t want to take a bubble bath when we’re overwhelmed. Some of us are going through real-live shit that we haven’t gotten out of yet and it doesn’t mean we need to be overdosing on cortisol and adrenaline until we do.

We don’t need to pretend like we don’t care about something just because we don’t want to let it ruin our day. Just because we want to feel better right now or in general doesn’t mean we want to be One with the Karen that’s pissing us off or the person that traumatized us.

Healing and growth are not reserved for people on self-discovery retreats. Honestly, most of my healing has come from headbanging in my car. Of course I want to feel more zen - that’s WHY I’m listening to angry music.

Look - if you’re a human person, you have grey matter in your brain and blood in your amygdala. We know enough about the human nervous system to know how to navigate it and have some autonomy over how we feel and how we level up.

We’re done with “That’s just how I am.” Boring.

We’re over “I tried; I can’t.” Eye. Roll.

These tools might be entertaining. They super are - I’m a god damn riot. But they’re more than cathartic silliness. I have been teaching the neuroscience of stress regulation and neuroplasticity for a decade. I know how to trick you into feeling better. Uh oh, you have questions. Down below.


1) But, Danielle! Isn’t cursing bad??


. . . Next question.

2) But isn’t healing supposed to be purely positive, feel-goodery experience??

Pffffffffffffhahahahahahahahahahaaaaa… You must be new here.

Toxic positivity ≠ healing. Shit gets real sometimes. These are real tools for real people.

Next question.

3) Wait, whaddya mean you know how to trick me into feeling better? Are you manipulating me??

Umm, not really? I guess so? If you’re like me and you like to know the how behind why you feel better so you can trust it or so you can do it yourself whenever you want throughout the day, I straight up tell you what we’re doing in the Talk Nerdy to Me Library.

It makes you laugh to say “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck” outloud when you’re meditating, doesn’t it? Perfect combination of cathartic and calming. You know what else it makes you do? Let out a long, full exhale. And when you groan it out? You’re stimulating and soothing your Vagus Nerve with the vibration in your throat, sending a coded message of safety to every vertebrae and organ it touches throughout your entire nervous system.

Not to mention the use of humor bringing blood and oxygen to your Prefrontal Cortex which is letting you access qualities like perspective and problem-solving and creativity and social skills and compassion and motivation.

Not to mention the awareness of the familiar and predictable things in your environment or in your killer body like your breath or gravity that translate to the Limbic System as safety so you can free up and redirect the resources in the stress center to more valuable systems like the social brain or digestive system.

Not to mention the vivid visualization and your option to repeat the meditations as often as you want to strengthen the new neural pathways to make them physically easier to light up later on your own so you can access that feeling in the real world when you need it.

It’s nothing sinister. But that’s part of why you feel better.

You’re welcome to dive into the neuroscience of everything we’re doing in the Talk Nerdy to Me Library or in a Centered AF training. Or just enjoy and repeat the meditations in the Defiant Development Library regularly so those benefits become easier and easier for you to access in your nervous system when you need them.

4) Damn, that sounds amazing! How much does it cost??

$3. A month. Seriously.

I want it to be grossly affordable. Because I 👏 want 👏 you 👏 to 👏 have 👏 it 👏. Good luck saying no to $3 for a new cathartic meditation every month and unlimited access to the Defiant Development Library of non-traditional meditations and access to private live events.

$15 if you also want access to the entire Talk Nerdy to Me Library which has all the neuroscience of stress regulation, personal development, physical tools, whole-ass workshops, half-off on a custom meditation made for you specifically, private chat access to ask Danielle questions during private live events, articles written by Danielle, free shit, a site discount, plus your brand new cathartic or entertaining meditation every month. All kinds of tools to become Centered as Fuck. 🖤

Meet Danielle

Danielle Rachlin, MPA has been teaching the neuroscience of stress regulation and personal growth for a decade to underrepresented audiences - from the US Military to the amazing kids at Children’s Hospital, from high-profile business leaders to boss bitches, from angry teens to teaching faculties.

She teaches both mental and physical tools for down-regulating the nervous system in real time as well as how to harness neuroplasticity to regain your autonomy in who the fuck and how the fuck you are.

Danielle has always specialized in people that “can’t” meditate or that don’t identify with the mainstream narrative of what it takes to grow as a person. She insists that everyone has a nervous system - whether or not they’re on a new age-y spiritual journey. Meaning you have say in how you feel and how you show up. And here are some solid, realistic ways to do that effectively.

Danielle holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration preceded by her Bachelors in Public Service with academic distinctions out the ass. She was formally trained and certified in the neuroscience of stress regulation and personal development before she decidedly detached from the formal institute and went deep into teaching it specifically to the people that don’t typically get to hear it.

Since then, she has been encouraging people to learn self-regulation tools by being funny as shit, educated as hell, and cute as a mf button. (Someone else’s words, not hers…). From the frustrated teen that doesn’t want to talk about it to the seasoned military vet that can’t; from the counter culture metalhead to the senior corporate leader, Danielle is here to help you Glow the Fuck Up 🖤.

Glow the fuck up.

Talk Nerdy to Me Library

Get unlimited access to the neuroscience, real tools for real fucking people, trainings, custom meditation, private access, and more in the Talk Nerdy to Me Library by joining the Club.

Defiant Development Library

Get unlimited access to the Defiant Development Library of cathartic meditations by joining the Club.